Back To Blogging...For Sure...

Hello, hello to YOU the reader! I haven't personally blogged on this blog for such a long time and it's been awhile as well since I shared a vlog of ours on here as well. Guess what? I am back! Back to blogging and getting these blogs out on here! I love to write and I always felt that blogging is a great form of writing. I find it easier for me for some reason to "write" on the computer than I do with a pen in hand and paper in front of me. I consider it some sort of writer's block. I don't know what else to call it. My thoughts about it is that everyone is different in how they do things and maybe for "writing" on the laptop/computer is a better form for me than doing it with a pen in hand and a piece of paper in front of me. Do what works for you is always a wonderful thing when it comes to what you enjoy.
Today was the last day of school for a number of schools here in Hawaii. So, it's officially summer break. I know I would have more time to actually sit down at the laptop at write out a blog. The school year is generally hectic for us due to our scheduling for school. My son is homeschool part-time and attends a normal school on non-homeschool days. So, even with the non-homeschool days, I still do a lot of teaching with my son and his education. As a parent, for me personally, I firmly believe in being active in my child's education in whatever way I possibly can. Even if it means homeschooling my child as well. It is a personal reason on how we ended up the way we did with my son's schooling. But the one thing that I can say is that the school my son is with now, is so much better than the one he was at before for 4 school grades. This school that my son is at now has shown thus far that they truly care about the children and how much they would love to have each child succeed not just at school but in all areas of life, even when the students leave school. I was active last school year (2016-2017) with the school's PTA as well as part of this school but I decided in the long run that I didn't want to stay apart of the group and just as always, make sure that my son and his education came first.
Anyway, my hopes with this blog is for me to start fully blogging again about any range of topics. With me still sharing our vlogs from our YouTube channel to our family adventures. But I hope to blog about other topics as well. Maybe what I think about parenting, family, and other various topics. Maybe even reviews of the movies that my son and I see! And we do love going to the movies and watching movies! I truly firmly believe in not only family days spent with not just my son and I but with my mom included but I truly firmly believe in "Mommy and Son Days" where my son and I spend a day together doing whatever we do enjoy together. Simply having that one on one time of a parent and child. So, look forward to more future blogs!
