Mango Jam! A festival of sorts for and about mangoes, right?! Farmer markets, food, entertainment, and much, much more!!!! Sounds like fun! And for someone like me who LOVES mangoes, this event seem perfect! But what a disappointment it actually turned out to be!!!! So, this past Saturday (July 23rd,2016), my son, Logan, my mom, and I went to the Mango Jam event at the Honolulu Hale grounds. Now, I was expecting a lot of mango related things since it's name states "MANGO" for "Mango Jam". But THERE WAS NEXT TO NOTHING of anything relating to mango! There was one tent selling Mango Jam t-shirts. One food vendor was selling barbecue chicken flavored with mango sauce. And well, that was about it. Well, one tent had teeny tiny baked goods that they used mango as an ingredient but they were still packing the baked goods in ziploc bags when the event was already in full swing! As for the farmers market, well, I don't know if it's just me but when I hear "farmers market", I think of more than on vendor and/or tent of farm based products. Well, there was only 2 vendors of farms out there and there was hardly anything left for sale. I know, I know. It's up to people who have items to sell to decide if they want to or not. But this Mango Jam was quite small and I know there was past events of the Mango Jam. But this is the first time that I actually went to one and I guess, I expected more than what was there. This event was quite small. If there is another Mango Jam next year, I don't think it will be a possibility of me considering of going to it again. Yes, it was fun doing something with my family. My mom and I use to go all the time to festivals, expos, and the like before my son was even thought of, let alone created. And I still enjoy going to those kind of things. We may have walked away with our stomachs filled with food, 2 pieces of dragonfruit, and a small container of grape tomatoes. But quite honestly, I expected more and thought there was going to be more. Especially with mango related items, regardless if it was just food or mango scented soap or the other endless things that could be made out of mango! I guess it's one of those things you never know what something is like unless you try it out. In this case, it was the Mango Jam. So, lesson learned for sure! So, I'll end it here for now and add a few pictures from the Mango Jam that I did take. Make sure to check out my YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/gkslks387 to see my vlog about the Mango Jam event! Thank you for reading!!!! Until next time, Grace
