.....HALLOWEEN 2015....

Halloween is now over. Boo! My son, Logan, decided to be a from "Star Wars" this year. Last year, he was "Starlord" from the movie, "Guardians Of The Galaxy". BUT instead of wearing the mask that came with the costume, Logan decided he wanted to place a red line on his face to make it look like blood. Since, I had a red matte NARS lipstick, Logan decided to use that and I drew a red line over one of his eyes, and made it look like a bloody scratch. Logan looked awesome in his costume! Logan also decided to take his toy "Star Wars Rebels" gun he has to complete the costume! He got SO many great comments on it as well! A lot of people loved his costume and loved the fact that he decided to make it look like he got in a fight instead of just wearing the mask! A house near us were passing out candy and a guy, who was passing out the candy, was dressed as "Dark Vader". Logan couldn't stop telling him "Hi, Dark Vader!" It was too cute! And there was a boy there who looked younger than Logan is (maybe about 4 or 5 years old) that was dressed up as a "Stormtrooper" as well! :-) We came across many kids (boys) who were dressed as "Stormtroopers" as well. Clearly, "Star Wars" totally has made a comeback for sure! We (my mom, Logan, and myself) walked our street that we live on and the next street from our street and Logan ended up with a large bag full of treats! And we did a few houses on the next street after that as well. There is a house that is like a few or so streets away from our street that we live on that usually does a haunted maze thru their garage. Logan has usually enjoyed visiting it since we moved to the area we live in we moved here 3 years ago. But when we went to visit this house for the haunted maze, besides the 3 or 4 houses that was giving out treats, this house weren't doing it this year! Logan was slightly disappointment. He was really looking forward to doing it again this year.For about 10 years, the Hawaii Plantation Village has been hosting the "Haunted Plantation" in the month of October. It has grown quite popular to where the lines are extremely long. But the people who run the "Haunted Plantation" state it's not good for young children since it's quite scary. So, taking Logan is out of the question. Also, there was another place here in Waipahu, holding another haunted house kind of thing that's not apart of the "Haunted Plantation". So, this haunted garage maze thing is usually better for kids like Logan since it's less scarier than the "Haunted Plantation" and whatnot. A house that is on the street we live on, decorated with inflatable Halloween Frankenstein and an inflatable Halloween ghosts! When people went to get their treats, 2 people in masks and costumes would jump out and try to scare people. I was jokingly telling my mom to watch out because one was behind her and Logan pulled out his toy gun and was playfully protecting my mom from one of the guys who dressed up! Everyone cracked up when Logan did that! It was funny! Halloween was great fun. And to me, that's what Halloween is all about great fun that can be clean fun as well! I hope everyone had a great Halloween as much as my family and I did! And now....THANKSGIVING!!!
