Days 143 to 176 (1/18/15 to 2/13/15)...Long Over Due For An Update...

Well, it looks like we may be getting a new laptop soon. Really soon. Excited for that. Can't for that. My son is getting over a case of bronchitis which also caused his asthma to flare up, an ear infection and a small cold. I hate when he gets sick. Whenever my son gets bronchitis, it takes him forever to recover from it. We were able to go to see the new Spongebob movie last Sunday since Logan felt little bit well enought to go out and do something. And we both wanted to see the Spongebob movie. It was totally hilarious! Even my son enjoyed it! Yesterday (2/12/15), I had my 6 month follow up appointment with my doctor. And after about a year or so of every 6 months of blood work to see if my blood levels, sugar levels, cholesterol, thyroid, etc was in good working order. And after every single test showing everything being perfectly fine, my doctor was amazed on how perfectly healthly I am for someone being overweight. Yes, I maybe not be at the most healthiest weight I am suppose to be at for my age, height, etc but that is just so much of an assumption. An assumption that is you are overweight, you have all these health problems. But I'm on of the living proofs that even being overweight, I am perfectly healthy. I just LOVE proving people wrong about things! I know we live in a world were everything is define a certain way. Our looks, etc. But time and time again, life, living, who and what you are doesn't have to be define by the world says you have to be. Well, I need to go and get some errands done. Happy Valentine's Day and Happy President's Day!Until the next time....
