Days 131 to 142 (1/6/15 to 1/17/15)....Looking Forward To....

Well, we still haven't gotten a new laptop yet. So, I'm currently typing this out at the public library using the computer here. It feels nice to be on a actual computer instead of using our iPad as a computer. There's only so much one can do on a iPad as to where one can do more on an actualy computer. Regardless if it's desktop or laptop. So, I'm actually looking forward to getting a new laptop. Espescially, considering, you're only allowed one hour on the computers at the library.In about 2 months or so, my little boy will be turning 8 years old! I can't believe how fast time has flown! My little boy is growing up much too fast! And no matter how old he gets he will always be my little boy! Well, I just wanted to do a quick update since I haven't been able to. And that's it for now.Until the next time...
