Days 76 to 86 (11/12/14 to 11/22/14)...A Taste Of The Town And More...

It's been awhile since I updated so it's time for that update! On November 15th,2014, my mom, my son and I went to the Taste of Waipahu. About 54 vendors in total. With food and crafts vendors to rides and games for the kids as well as entertainment. We ate so many delicious food and had some yummy great drinks. Over all, we all had a great time! Thanksgiving is fast approaching and I will be cooking our turkey for the first time this year. Thanksgiving has been always one of my favorite holidays, more so now as an adult. Thanksgiving is around my favorite time of the year when all these special pumpkin-flavored items start coming out for sale. And Thanksgiving, for me, is pumpkin pie, turkey and stuffing. Plus, always counting the things one can be thankful for when one often spends the past year, not focusing on those thankful things, during the other 11 months of the year. It always amazes me, no matter what, how the stores and companies are pushing Christmas on the public earlier and earlier than ever. Thanksgiving is often pushed as an after thought so Christmas can be the highlight of the holiday season. Just another money-maker for stores and companies. Holidays losing their true meaning. Also, I look forward to the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade every year as well! With that, I'll end it here for now!
Until next time...
