On Wednesday, October 22nd,2014, since there was no school, my son and I went to see the movie "The Book Of Life". My son and I both enjoyed the movie.At the very end of the movie (I think around the end of the credits), the character Ice Cube played, the "Candle Maker" said something along the lines of filling the pages of your book of life and not letting it go unfilled. With that and with the fact that the movie had expressed the importance of remembering those who have gone before us, like your family, friends, etc, it got me to thinking. So many of us just go on living our lives. Doing what we need to do just to make ends meet. Filling it up with activites or whatever. We don't normally realize that we live our lives just to live. But our lives are our stories to which we "write" our stories. Our stories make up who we are and what we have become and who we go on being. I don't think people often think this way of life. Life being our book. Our lives having chapters. Mini other stories that also make up our lives, our stories. I also love the fact that with this movie, it shares the importance (besides our lives being a book and filling up our pages), of remembering your loved ones. Family, friends, those who have gone before you. Remember them so that way, they won't be forgotten. I love the fact that this movie had morals to the story/movie. Something that I'm sure kids (and any other person who doesn't realize it) won't even realize these morals. These are my feelings/opinions/beliefs etc. You can take them however you want but really think about it. YOUR life is a book FILLED with blank pages waiting for YOU to fill them with the life you lead. What you do with your pages is up to you. But as long as you fill your pages with your life. Which is waiting for you to actually LIVE IT and not just living it. That's just my feelings.Until the next time...P.S. I really did enjoy the movie "The Book Of Life"!
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