*IDEA:Write a list of at least 50 things that make you feel good.*
1. Spending time with my son.
2. Hearing my son laugh.
3. Seeing my son smile.
4. Sitting on the beach and watching the water.
5. Reading a good book.
6. Watching the sun rise and watching the sun set.
7. Being out in nature.
8. Helping someone regardless of what it is.
9. Listening to music.
10. Watching a good movie.
11. Getting a letter from a friend.
12. Talking to a friend regardless of how it's done as long as we get to talk.
13. Window-shopping
14. Actually shopping.
15. Having a good meal with my family.
16. Doing something useful.
17. Going to the zoo with my family.
18. Taking pictures with my camera of many things.
19. Learning something new that I didn't know before.
20. Trying DIY projects even if it doesn't come out too good.
21. Finding bargains.
22. A nice long walk for pleasure.
23. Going to the aquarium with my family.
24. Watching YouTube videos.
25. Reading a good magazine.
26. Playing a good video game.
27. Quiet moments.
28. A cold shower on a hot summer day.
29. Going on train rides with my son.
30. Going to garden center with my son.
31. Finding good,inspiring quotes.
32. Going to the library.
33. Running into people that you know that you haven't seen for years.
34. Hearing good news.
35. Being grateful for the things that I do have in my life.
36. Going to special events.
37. Hearing a good joke.
38. Having a good laugh.
39. Stopping to smell the flowers.
40. Cold weather.
41. Getting something new.
42. Finishing a project that you start.
43. The holiday season.
44. My birthday.
45. Learning the lyrics to a song that you like.
46. Getting recognize for something you did.
47. Trying something new.
48. Getting something put together that was hard to do.
49. Making someone laugh.
50. Just being happy.
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