50 Things To Blog About...

1. That thing that happened in high school that pretty much changed your life forever 2. The worst movie you ever did see, and why 3. Your favourite recipe, even if you’re the worst cook in the world. Sometimes there’s an art to making the best vegemite toast you could ever eat 4. The day you left home 5. That one time you told a huge lie and kinda got away with it {or perhaps you didn’t and that would make an even better blog post! Cringe} 6. The hardest thing you’ve ever been through 7. 9 things you just can’t handle {gross things like ugly toes etc etc} 8. Your day in photos {take a photo every hour from wake to sleep} 9. Your most excruciatingly embarrassing moment. We’ve all got one. 10. A letter to your 16 year old self. What advice would you give? 11. Your celebrity dinner party. Who would you invite? 12. A how-to post on something you know nothing about 13. Your first love/kiss, and don’t skip the awkward details 14. The day you started blogging. What were you thinking? 15. The most difficult decision you’ve ever made. Write from the heart. 16. 7 things you learned from being a kid 17. A letter to your mum/grandma/child 18. An anti-bucket list: the things you hope to never do before you die 19. The last thing that made you cry 20. Your earliest childhood memory 21. That thing that really gets your goat {Is it the way people drive? That sniffing noise your partner makes?} 22. The worst Christmas/Birthday you ever had {make it funny!} 23. What your Facebook status might be in 2018 24. What you’re addicted to, and why 25. Write your obituary 26. Write a how-to post on something you actually know a lot about, as obscure as it might be 27. Write a FAQ {frequently asked questions} post. This could be questions you get asked about your blog, or questions you get asked by your kids over and over again. Think outside the box. 28. That time that you met a complete stranger 29. Fashion: Your top 5 favourite bags/dresses/looks/hair-dos/shoes right now 30. What you’ve learned about life so far 31. Brain dump. What’s on your mind right now 32. Something you lost 33. Bad habits. Share yours and why you won’t give it up. Ever. 34. Who people think you are, compared to who you really are 35. If you only had one day to live, how you’d spend it 36. A thank you note to a ‘thing’, like coffee, or trashy TV 37. A guide to the town you live in 38. What you want to be when you grow up {yes, there’s still time} 39. Something you found 40. The menu for your last meal ever 41. A response to a popular blog post written by someone else – an opinion piece where you put your cranky pants on 42. Write a review: on anything… a new food, a book you just read, an App 43. Find your most popular blog post and then write a second series of it, or an update on it 44. Do a DIY. A step-by-step guide on how to make something 45. Set a goal, and a plan on how to get there 46. Create a post asking for advice on something that’s troubling you. People love to offer wisdom 47. Share the favourite room in your home, and why you love it 48. Top 5: Share a post with the top 5 blogs you just can’t get enough of 49. Share a secret you’ve never told anyone. Until now 50. Write a list post on things for people to blog about. Pretty much like this one just here.
