New Year's Resolutions....

I haven't made any iron-clad New Year's Resolutions this year like I have done in the past. But I have made some thoughtful ideas that I want to try in the New Year. New Year Resolutions are goals that is set. But I don't want to set anything for New Year's. But like I said I have some thoughtful ideas that I want to try in the New Year.
Here is my ideas:
  1. Do a 365 days picture project. Where a photo is posted once a day for 365 days. I want to post any random picture for that day rather than a personal picture for each day. Any picture for that day.
  2. I also thought of doing a 365 days blog/note project. I want to do more blogging/notes. Not of one certain thing. Of anything for that day.
  3. I want to get back into doing Zumba. I want to try to get back into doing that and try to get more healthier. And also I want to try to add some healthy eating somewhere into my life. Somewhere and somehow. More so being on a family budget.
  4. I want to work more on my faith with God and Jesus. And do what I can on knowing my faith and having more of my faith. Because I have come to believe that by having some sort of faith in my life will and would help me in a lot of areas of my life.
I have other ideas in mind but this is just some of my ideas that I want to try. I know that I can do it. But I know the first 2, I might end up stop doing after awhile like most if not all New Year's Resolutions.
So,I want to end it with a Happy New Year and all the best in 2012!
